Showing posts with label Daily horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily horoscope. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Dynamic Personality of a Gemini

 Geminis, known for their intelligence, extraversion, and dynamism, can be spotted easily amongst people holding intellectual debates in a group. Apart from this, in their private life, they are slightly flirtatious. and are hence usually best considered for short term flings as they cannot sustain the  long term. Unable to tolerate the ups and downs normally experienced in relationships, and to steadily hold themselves in relationships, they go for novel experiences. That is a part of the personality of the dynamic Gemini.

In a Gemini daily horoscope, you can know about forthcoming challenges or opportunities for today which helps you to make the right decision.  The daily Horoscope provides information about the auspicious muhurtas for any new beginning concerning love, career and so on. Since there are many who share the same horoscope, we should note that it is just a general description of that specific day and the predictions could slightly vary for people based on their horoscopes.

Seventh House for Personality

The seventh house, its lord and the aspects and planetary combinations in this house decide the way we behave in society. People whose seventh houses in the birth chart are occupied by planets, take relationships too seriously, and look for the comfort of partnership in most areas of life.  Highly extroverted, they believe that human interactions are mainly about give and take. These people value friendship, marital harmony, and generally relationships in their lives. Whichever sign you belong to, the seventh house in your horoscope rules the aspect of your relationship. Gemini partners can be on the steadier side, or they may be moody, depending on the planetary positions in their horoscope.

Factors such as the Seventh House, planetary aspects, and Venus’s placement, and so on, particularly decide about your future partner, his personality and the time of his arrival into your life.  You must refer to the seventh house for personality related inferences.

For knowing future life partner predictions, you need to delve a little further. By Ascendant, you can know about his looks. If the ascendant is in fiery sign, then he could have tanned ruddy skin tone.  He might be fair complexioned if the ascendant is a watery sign by Dr. Vinay Bajrangi.

A strong Venus always ensures your partner will be very appealing and attractive.  Otherwise, he might be not be blessed with very good looks or skin colour. Mercury, Sun, and Jupiter also provide a clue about the spouse.

The character, the personality attributes will be according to the planets present in the seventh house and the its ruling sign. You can also get information about marital happiness by studying the house the 7th lord has occupied.  Jupiter and Venus placements can also provide added information about this.

It is not just the 7th house, the karakas of marriage, i.e, Jupiter and venus should also be benevolently placed in order to ensure that there are no problems or snags in marriage afterwards.

If the seventh house is weak due to the presence of malefic planets, or 7th lord is weak, marital happiness may suffer.  Similarly, badly placed Jupiter or Venus may also bring in trouble. The same factors should be checked in the   Navamsha chart as it can provide detailed information about a persons married happiness. Navamsha and bhava charts, both should be free of affliction otherwise, problems will increase in severity.

Amongst the malefic planets, Saturn, if associated with the 7th house in any way, shows that the couple will not experience the intimacy in the relationship.  Rahu may induce infidelity in the partner apart from extra marital relationships. Ketu’s presence may isolate the spouse in the marital relationship. The Sun may make your partner proud and conceited. Actually, it is the Mars that intensifies the marital issues between the couple which means that they have to put a little more effort to achieve harmony.

Apart from Rahu, it is the Jupiter in debilitation that leads to a person’s moral degradation. If moon is afflicted totally, it shows that the spouse will plunge headlong into a series of extra marital affairs.

Astrology sites offer Astrology report for married life problems for free, after you input your birth details into their chart, many aspects of marriage, such as doshas dashas, timings, customised suggestions, the phases of life, and a complete study of your kundali. Which could be delivered online too.

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In conclusion:

Gemini can be flirtatious, but once they settle down to someone, they will remain faithful to them forever; they love to be playful in their romantic relationships. Conversation with Mumbai Astro can be intellectually elevating but when it comes to love, it is the seventh house that decides what they are in totality.  The dynamism is an exceptional trait of Gemini.   Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy marital bliss.

Read your Daily Horoscope with us.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Astrological Solutions for Debts & Financial Problems

Normally destiny and astrology are the first words that we remember when all our practical decisions do not work as per our plan and expectations. Surely there is something beyond our intelligence that decides the stock market trends, our personal finances, and the money that we get from external sources. Finance astrology sheds light on the financial situation and let us study it.

What Is The Concept Of Finance Astrology

During certain circumstances, when your business or career is affected due to unforeseen problems beyond your control, think finance astrology. It is the study of how planetary transits and positions influence the market trends, and how it can guide you through all sorts of financial problems.  Finance astrology studies, the second house, the sixth house, the tenth and eleventh house to decide your success in career. Jupiter and Venus decide how well you do in your finances.  Let us get into greater details and see how horoscopes rule the financial situation of an individual.

What Is A Finance Horoscope?

Dr. Vinay Bajrangi analyses horoscope for checking financial condition and then assesses the planetary combinations, positions and yogas to come to an overall conclusion. It gives you an idea of when you will grow rich, your planetary transits, and yogas. It will also guide you on which field or area is best suited for you to gain wealth. It indicates the sources for your wealth, and lets you know if you earn due to being self employed or being in business or jobDaily horoscope  helps you to know how to control the financial loss and stabilize it.

Which Planetary Combination Indicates Finance Situation?

Planetary combination for finance indicates your financial luck.

  • There are planetary combinations, or yogas that bring in wealth, if found in a horoscope.
  • Especially Ruchaka, Sasa, and Bhadra mahapurusha yogas bring in ample wealth.
  • Gajkesari Yoga, which indicates extreme wealth, is formed when moon and Jupiter combine together.
  • Budha shukra yoga and Chandra mangala yoga are other planetary combinations for finance.

    How To Analyze Kundali To Know The Financial Condition

    Here are some insights into kundali analysis for financial condition. The 2nd house of the horoscope indicates income and wealth. whereas the planets in the 8th House indicate the money the person gains externally through inheritances, donations, lottery, charity, hard work, or windfall etc.. The 5th House decides if you are lucky with lottery, wealth, success and fame. The 10th house leads to success in any venture, including finance.

    • Rahu is known to bless the individual with unexpected luck if he is placed in 2nd and 11th in the horoscope.
    • When the ascendant lord or the 9th lord or Venus are in a square or trine, or in exalted position or in moolatrikona or trikona, it is said to have formed the Lakshmi yoga that results in an unexpected amount of wealth.
    • One earns through inheritance, agriculture or real estate if Jupiter is in the 11th, Sun is in 5th and Mars is in 4th 
    • If an individual is born under the sign of cancer, the presence of Mars, Jupiter and Moon together in Cancer will give him wealth through hard work and divine blessings. through his work and divine grace.
    • If Jupiter is positioned in Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces, and the 5th lord is placed in the 10th house, the source of wealth will be his children.
    • One will earn through business if Venus and Mercury are in conjunction and Saturn in any house as per kundali analysis.
    • the 10th lord is in Taurus or Libra and the lord of the 7th house is in 10th one gets wealthy by marriage.
    • Similarly, if mercury is combined with Jupiter with Venus in any house shows that wealth will be gained through religious services.
    • A person gains wealth through administrative skills if his 10th or 11th house has Jupiter, and his 4th or 5th house has Sun combined with Mercury,  So kundli analysis for financemust be considered before any venture.

    How Beneficial Is Financial Astrology Consultation?

    Financial astrology is needed for the astrological study of money and finances, which helps you during all financial highs and lows. It is of special use when it comes to stocks and trades as it can give correct clues on factors like, stock exchange prices, and share market investment Be it job hop, or promotion or avenues for higher income, or prediction buying a property, astrological solutions can help significantly. Your wealth, and money acumen can be figured out using Financial astrology consultation.

    To Conclude….

    Through Mumbai Astro, Finance Astrology, one can know the behavior and performance of the stock market using new moons and full moons.  In these financially uncertain times, financial astrology can show light and solutions. There are technical experts and investors who staunchly follow and advocate this new approach to finance.

    Source :-

Saturday 1 June 2024

Investment Strategies According To Planetary Combinations

 Many of us dream of stepping into business and succeeding in a big way. While some of us are born with business acumen, some of us, although equipped with strategies and abilities, still fail to touch the mark we have set in business. Why not consider business astrology readings from a seasoned astrologer?

How Do You Define Business Astrology?

Business astrology is a branch of astrology where one’s business or finance is assessed using planetary positions. Placement of Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter and most importantly the tenth house in the chart can predict the degree of success in business. Business astrology helps us to know the Dasha timings and nature of business events that are likely to happen. 

How Does A Horoscope Reflect The Financial Problems Of An Individual?

The study of financial problems as per your birth chart gives you all the required information to succeed financially. Huge loans and ATM bills, business losses. Falling into bankruptcy, and unnecessary expenditure, are the common issues that hound our lives for which answers could be found astrologically.  

Mars in 6th 8th and 10th house gives excess confidence that results in debts, wrong decisions resulting in financial instability. A well-placed Rahu pulls you out of debts, if any, and if badly placed, it weakens your finances. Saturn is the teacher that gives us life lessons including financial problems as per birth chart. Let us study the benefits of astrology for investment.

How Does Astrology Help In Investment?

Investment as per astrology is done by analysing the lunar phases (to assess the market sentiment and to use it as a reference for buying and selling stocks), movement of planets and their aspects to help predict stock performances.  These factors have proven evidence that suggest that planetary configuration influences market movements.  Planets in retrograde movements mean that extra caution should be exercised in the financial markets.  Investment as per astrology is not very difficult if you know the planetary intentions. Consult an adept astrologer.

Do Astrological Consultations Help An Individual In Areas Related To Finance?

Business astrological consultation assesses planetary transits to help us understand the market situation and the way the individual business runs.  The astrological consultation for right business selection also sheds light on the impact of zodiac signs and houses, and predicts the degree of compatibility that you enjoy with respect to business partnerships. 

How Beneficial Is Daily Horoscope Reading For A Business

Daily horoscopes can give you an idea of how the day is going to be for your business. It provides the right timing to start a new venture, or a service, or a product line. When you are full of business ideas but are unable to decide the right timing, the daily forecast can be of immense help.  You could set the time suggested by the forecast to expand your business. Daily horoscope reading keeps you alert and informed of all new opportunities that are waiting for you to use, and helps to grow your business without a chance for failure

How Effective Is The Weekly Horoscope In Assessing The Financial Condition Of An Individual?

A weekly horoscope can give a comprehensive view of the events that are about to occur. The trends in business can be predicted by using weekly forecasts and you can know the nature of the risks you will be facing and ways to avoid them. 

It tells you if it is the right time to step in a different direction that favours your business. Business weekly forecasts can be used to know about market trends that can be studied using planetary movements. A weekly horoscope provides tailor made investment ideas based on your chart and the planetary placing. 

How Does Kundali Analysis Help the Individual To Take Accurate Financial decisions?

Kundali analysis extends to financial decisions as well. The 7th house signifies business, partnerships, and contracts. The 10th house tells if a person is going to succeed in business or not and also the degree of success in business activities. Kundali analysis helps in assessing market conditions.

Business horoscope helps assess a person’s pluses and minuses and helps him discover his ability to succeed. These factors are to be considered while doing the Kundali analysis. 

  • Malefic planets in the tenth only delay the results and give an average outcome but this too can be avoided by using good foresight and business wisdom.
  • A good mercury Jupiter and sun help the business thrive.
  • 5th house reflects on the entrepreneurial ability of a person,.  love for business and enthusiasm to take risks 
  • A well-placed ninth house makes a person innovative. 
  • A strong and well-placed tenth can make the person a natural leader with work ethics 
  • A well-placed Ascendant imparts the individual with health, and confidence. 
  • A strong second house can give a person an innate ability for amassing wealth. 
  • Second sixth and tenth houses have a say on the business fortunes of a person. If they are well positioned, it proves lucky for the individual as per Kundali analysis.

On A Concluding Note…….

By studying the business horoscope from Mumbai Astro, one can learn the correct timing for launching or expanding a new business Ideas or product line, signing agreements and contracts, hiring new employees, new investments or choosing a business venue.  It is a comprehensive solution to the overall business needs of an individual or a firm.

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Dynamic Personality of a Gemini

  Geminis, known for their intelligence, extraversion, and dynamism, can be spotted easily amongst people holding intellectual debates in a ...