Showing posts with label seventh house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seventh house. Show all posts

Saturday 13 April 2024

Remedies for Early Marriage by Astrology

Delays in marriage are becoming an increasing concern for those awaiting marriage. The birth chart indicates a delayed or early marriage through the astrological combinations in the birth chart. Some planetary combinations indicate a delay in marriage, but if not handled properly in time, it can turn into no marriage yoga. In astrology, one can know the probability of delay or no marriage by looking at certain combinations in the birth chart. We advise meeting an astrologer and taking remedial measures before marriage delay turns into no marriage yoga.

Delay or No Marriage Yoga in Astrology

In Vedic astrology, we can learn everything about someone’s marriage, married life, and spouse from the seventh house in the birth chart. The seventh house is the house of marriage. Depending upon the influence of benefic or malefic planets on it, we can estimate whether marriage will be early or delayed.

Generally, malefic influences like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu delay marriage.

Mars: Mars creates Manglik Dosha when present in the seventh house, which is detrimental to marital happiness. However, it can be corrected through astrological remedial measures and lifestyle correction.

Saturn: Saturn is a slow planet and creates obstructions and delays wherever it is placed. In the seventh house, it gives delay in marriage, but if it’s under major affliction or very weak, there can be no marriage either. Astrological remedies help mitigate Saturn’s negative effects in the seventh house.

Rahu: Rahu is a planet of illusions. Its presence in the seventh house raises a desire for a partner that practically doesn’t exist. For example, with Rahu in the seventh house, a person can long for an extremely beautiful wife who is perfect in all terms, but in reality it is difficult to find one, and sometimes such a partner doesn’t exist at all. This becomes the reason for delay in marriage and sometimes no marriage.

Ketu: Ketu can give spiritual tendencies that the person doesn’t wish to marry. An individual has no desire for marriage. In other cases, the person can go deeper into the personality traits that make everything seem negative to him. As we know, nobody is perfect, and when we dig deeper into a person or judge him based on personality traits, we tend to find imperfections and the person says no to marriage. This process continues, causing delays or no marriage.

Sun: The Sun, however, gives early marriage, but it also gives ego issues in marriage, which sometimes cause a breakup or separation.

If you see any of these malefic planets in the seventh house, you should consider that there will be a delay in your marriage, and there is a probability of it turning into no marriage yoga if other astrological factors support it. We advise taking a consultation for delayed marriage to take timely measures.

How Does Delay In Marriage Turns into No Marriage?

The influence of the malefic planets in the seventh house is the first indication of troubles in marriage. Now, it can be a delay in marriage or disharmony in marriage. The next thing that indicates the delay in marriage is the absence of a supportive Dasha. The person doesn’t get married if there is no supportive Dasha related to the seventh house. Dasha is important for carrying out important events in a person’s life.

If a supportive Dasha activates at a person’s marriageable age but keeps ignoring marriage proposals for other obligations like career or family, the planet’s effects will pass unnoticed, and the person won’t benefit at all. That’s why prioritizing marriage is necessary. Once the supportive Dasha passes, it becomes challenging to get married. Also, if the next supportive Dasha comes too early or late in life, it can be futile for marriage. So, taking advantage of the opportunity at the right time is crucial. You can seek astrological consultation to determine your good and bad times and take advantage of the positive ones.

Remedies for Early Marriage in Astrology

For effective remedies, it is necessary to understand the cause of delay perfectly. The remedy works if it is directly targeted at the root cause. Hit and trial don’t work; only an expert astrologer can explain the exact cause and treat that effectively. One can take an online report for delayed marriage by Dr Vinay Bajrangi that will explain the exact cause of the delay in your marriage and also the most effective remedy to get you the desired results. The same remedy doesn’t work for all, and depending upon the personal astrological combinations, I suggested a personalized remedy.

Dr Vinay Bajrangi also suggests karma rectification, which is the most effective way of removing the negative effects of the planets. Simple lifestyle alterations can bring miraculous results. The voice report for delays in marriage can give solutions to all your delays in marriage-related queries.


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Wednesday 22 November 2023

Combinations for bad marriage in a female’s horoscope

Marriages vary - some are joyful, others have challenges. Astrology says your birth chart holds clues. Planets in it may hint at a happy or troubled marriage. It even suggests ways to improve a tough marriage and make it happy.

Absolutely! Planets play celestial roles in our lives, and their positions in your birth chart can influence marriage. Even the most charming individuals may encounter delays or challenges if certain planets aren't aligned favourably. It's not mere coincidence; it's the effects of the planets that impact your marital bliss.

Houses responsible for marriage in astrology

In astrology, the "seventh house" is often associated with marriage. It represents partnerships, including marriage, and can provide insights into one's relationships and the type of person they might be attracted to.

Aside from the seventh house, the fifth house is also significant in marriage astrology as it relates to love affairs and romance. Additionally, the eleventh house can indicate the fulfilment of desires and social connections, influencing one's approach to relationships.

Planetary combinations which give marriage problems

Astrologically, challenging aspects involving Saturn and Mars, especially in the seventh house, can indicate potential marriage issues. Additionally, the influence of malefic planets like Rahu and Ketu on the seventh house or its lord may contribute to challenges in marital life.

The seventh house in astrology explains our relationships with the outer world. Different planets bring different results when placed in the seventh house:

1. Sun: Adds vitality; can signify a strong-willed partner.

2. Moon: Reflects emotional connection; influences the mood of the partnership.

3. Mercury: Enhances communication; brings intellectual compatibility.

4. Venus: A major player; symbolizes love, romance, and overall marital bliss.

5. Mars: Brings passion but can also introduce conflicts if not balanced.

6. Jupiter: Adds positivity, understanding, and good fortune to relationships.

7. Saturn: Tests and strengthens the partnership; can bring challenges.

8. Rahu/Ketu: Can create unexpected twists; careful examination is necessary.

When it comes to the seventh house in astrology, certain planets can pose challenges. Understanding these planetary dynamics helps navigate potential challenges and work towards a harmonious partnership.

In astrology, the seventh house holds the key to understanding relationships, particularly marriage. While planets like Venus and Jupiter can contribute to harmony, others such as Saturn, Mars, and the lunar nodes (Rahu/Ketu) may introduce challenges. Saturn brings responsibilities and potential delays, Mars adds intensity that can lead to conflicts, and Rahu/Ketu might create unpredictable scenarios. The Sun, with its strong energy, may contribute to ego clashes. Recognizing these influences allows individuals to navigate potential issues and work towards building a balanced and fulfilling partnership. A marriage astrologer understands the influence of different planets in the seventh house to know the reasons behind challenges in marriage and also take references through them to overcome these challenges.

Points to Consider While Kundli milan

Kundli Milan, also known as horoscope matching, is a traditional practice in Vedic astrology where the birth charts of a prospective couple are compared to assess their compatibility for marriage. It involves analyzing various factors such as gunas (qualities), Mangal Dosha (Mars placement), Nadi Dosha (compatibility of pulse), and more. The goal is to ensure a harmonious and prosperous marital life by considering astrological compatibility between the individuals.

In kundli milan (horoscope matching) for marriage, key points include:


1. Guna Milan: Matching qualities based on Guna Milan like Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, etc.

2. Mangal Dosha: Check for Mars placement and its impact on compatibility.

3. Nadi Dosha: Assess the compatibility of the couple's nadi (pulse) to avoid health issues.

4. Bhakoot Dosha: Consider the position of Moon signs for emotional compatibility.

5. Planetary Positions: Analyze the positions of planets in both charts, especially the seventh house.

6. Dasha and Transits: Evaluate the current and future planetary periods for harmony.


Remedies for Happy Married Life

"Remedies" in astrology refer to actions or practices aimed at mitigating challenges and enhancing positive influences in one's life. These can include wearing specific gemstones, participating in rituals, prayers, or engaging in activities associated with certain planets.

Astrology suggests various remedies to enhance marital bliss. These can include wearing gemstones associated with favorable planets, participating in Vedic rituals like "Vivah Pujan" for marriage blessings, and seeking guidance from astrologers for personalized insights. Worship and prayers, both individually and as a couple, are often recommended to strengthen the bond. Additionally, open communication and counseling can play crucial roles in maintaining a healthy and happy marriage.

The belief is that these remedies influence the energy or vibrations associated with planets in your birth chart. For example, wearing a gemstone linked to a beneficial planet is thought to amplify positive traits related to that planet, while participating in rituals or prayers may seek to appease or align oneself with celestial energies.

To enhance marital harmony, consider these general remedies:

1. Worship and Prayer: Offer prayers together or individually for a blessed marriage.

2. Gemstones: Wearing gemstones associated with beneficial planets in your charts can be considered.

3. Vedic Rituals: Participate in rituals like "Vivah Pujan" or "Saptapadi" for marital blessings.

4. Astrological Consultation: Seek guidance from an astrologer for personalized remedies based on your horoscope.

5. Communication: Open and honest communication is key; discuss concerns and feelings openly.

6. Counseling: Professional counseling can provide valuable insights and tools for a healthy relationship.

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