Sunday, 14 April 2024

Which Yoga Gives Long Life

Astrology is a vast subject that does not spare anything existing or non-existing in this universe. From our birth to death, everything is covered in the horoscope prediction. If you are curious to know your lifespan, then there is a possibility in astrology for the same with lifespan prediction. But, do you know there are some Dashas and Yogas that help astrologers to make lifespan predictions? In this article, we will talk about which Yoga gives long life. Also you can create your free kundli with us.

Kundali which is also called birth chart acts as a celestial blueprint highlighting the life journey of a person. Life milestones like challenges, insights to health, finance, illness, long life, sexual prediction, education, everything finds its place in Kundali. And a good astrologer always gives a thorough consultation on every life aspect along with a voice report for lifespan prediction.

Within this life map, you can expect the answer of the longevity of your life. If you will live a healthy life or have some kind of fatal health illness, everything is covered in Kundali.

But, when we talk about Kundali yoga, this is in its holistic sense covering various planetary positions and transits in different houses of horoscope. Based on the Nakshatras and zodiac signs, different Yoga occurs and here we will talk about different Yogas that affect the lifespan of a person.

What to expect from lifespan prediction in a Kundali –

Kundali which is created by following Vedic astrological tradition acts like an individual chart based on the celestial bodies’ position at the birth time of the native. This Kundali mirrors the life of an individual including present, past and future. Using Kundali analysis, the astrologers give insights on life’s various aspects of the native including health prediction, lifespan prediction, career prediction, love and relationship prediction and many others.

Analysing various Kundali Houses as well as planetary placements, the astrologers offer predictions related to health, including the potential for a long life. However, it's essential to note that astrology provides insights and guidance rather than deterministic answers on lifespan prediction. For good analysis of Kundali, connect with a renowned professional astrology expert who would provide a complete online report for Lifespan Prediction.

The Quest for Longevity Lies within Various Yogas and Dashas in Vedic Astrology –

In the vast cosmic world of Vedic astrology, the concern and desire of long life stands as a paramount concern for many of us. Within the horoscope, there are certain combinations of planetary positions which are known as Yogas, and multiple periods governed by specific planetary alignments are termed as Dashas and these Yogas and Dashas are believed to hold the key to a long and healthy life. A qualified astrologer always sees these dashas and yogas to predict the long life of a person.

Understanding Which Yoga Gives A Long Life –

1. Dhana Yoga - This auspicious Yoga is formed by the combination of wealth-bestowing planets such as Jupiter, Venus, and the lords of the quadrant houses. This Yoga (Dhana) is believed to enhance overall well-being, including the long life of a native. The presence of benefic planets in main positions within the horoscope can signify a life blessed with abundance and vitality.

2. Hamsa Yoga – Hamsa Yoga symbolises purity and auspiciousness. Hamsa Yoga occurs when Jupiter is exalted or in its own sign, while simultaneously occupying a Kendra or Trikona (trine) house. Individuals blessed with Hamsa Yoga are believed to possess a noble disposition, robust health, and the potential for a long and prosperous life.

3. Mahapurusha Yoga - This Yoga manifests when certain planets, such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn, are positioned in their own sign or exalted in specific houses. Mahapurusha Yoga bestows exceptional qualities and blessings upon the individual which include long life. However, it depends on the planet involved and its placement within the horoscope.

4. Arogya Yoga - Arogya Yoga which is an indicator of good health and vitality. It is formed when benefic planets such as Jupiter, Mercury, or Venus are strongly placed in the Ascendant, Kendra, or Trikona houses. This Yoga augurs well for overall well-being and long life and encourages a life filled with vitality and vigour.

Conclusion –

In the Mumbai Astro, the question on long life or if I’ll live a long life relates to different Yogas and Dashas and here we have listed out various Yogas which give long life to a person. So, if you want to know if you are blessed with longevity, then get your Kundali analysed from a qualified astrology expert and take helpful consultation right from the comfort of your home as now, lifespan astrological consultation is available online as well. Kundali can be created in Hindi and English both languages based on your preference and with voice report or exclusive Kundali review, you can find solutions to all your concerns with proper understanding. 


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