Wednesday 26 June 2024

Dynamic Personality of a Gemini

 Geminis, known for their intelligence, extraversion, and dynamism, can be spotted easily amongst people holding intellectual debates in a group. Apart from this, in their private life, they are slightly flirtatious. and are hence usually best considered for short term flings as they cannot sustain the  long term. Unable to tolerate the ups and downs normally experienced in relationships, and to steadily hold themselves in relationships, they go for novel experiences. That is a part of the personality of the dynamic Gemini.

In a Gemini daily horoscope, you can know about forthcoming challenges or opportunities for today which helps you to make the right decision.  The daily Horoscope provides information about the auspicious muhurtas for any new beginning concerning love, career and so on. Since there are many who share the same horoscope, we should note that it is just a general description of that specific day and the predictions could slightly vary for people based on their horoscopes.

Seventh House for Personality

The seventh house, its lord and the aspects and planetary combinations in this house decide the way we behave in society. People whose seventh houses in the birth chart are occupied by planets, take relationships too seriously, and look for the comfort of partnership in most areas of life.  Highly extroverted, they believe that human interactions are mainly about give and take. These people value friendship, marital harmony, and generally relationships in their lives. Whichever sign you belong to, the seventh house in your horoscope rules the aspect of your relationship. Gemini partners can be on the steadier side, or they may be moody, depending on the planetary positions in their horoscope.

Factors such as the Seventh House, planetary aspects, and Venus’s placement, and so on, particularly decide about your future partner, his personality and the time of his arrival into your life.  You must refer to the seventh house for personality related inferences.

For knowing future life partner predictions, you need to delve a little further. By Ascendant, you can know about his looks. If the ascendant is in fiery sign, then he could have tanned ruddy skin tone.  He might be fair complexioned if the ascendant is a watery sign by Dr. Vinay Bajrangi.

A strong Venus always ensures your partner will be very appealing and attractive.  Otherwise, he might be not be blessed with very good looks or skin colour. Mercury, Sun, and Jupiter also provide a clue about the spouse.

The character, the personality attributes will be according to the planets present in the seventh house and the its ruling sign. You can also get information about marital happiness by studying the house the 7th lord has occupied.  Jupiter and Venus placements can also provide added information about this.

It is not just the 7th house, the karakas of marriage, i.e, Jupiter and venus should also be benevolently placed in order to ensure that there are no problems or snags in marriage afterwards.

If the seventh house is weak due to the presence of malefic planets, or 7th lord is weak, marital happiness may suffer.  Similarly, badly placed Jupiter or Venus may also bring in trouble. The same factors should be checked in the   Navamsha chart as it can provide detailed information about a persons married happiness. Navamsha and bhava charts, both should be free of affliction otherwise, problems will increase in severity.

Amongst the malefic planets, Saturn, if associated with the 7th house in any way, shows that the couple will not experience the intimacy in the relationship.  Rahu may induce infidelity in the partner apart from extra marital relationships. Ketu’s presence may isolate the spouse in the marital relationship. The Sun may make your partner proud and conceited. Actually, it is the Mars that intensifies the marital issues between the couple which means that they have to put a little more effort to achieve harmony.

Apart from Rahu, it is the Jupiter in debilitation that leads to a person’s moral degradation. If moon is afflicted totally, it shows that the spouse will plunge headlong into a series of extra marital affairs.

Astrology sites offer Astrology report for married life problems for free, after you input your birth details into their chart, many aspects of marriage, such as doshas dashas, timings, customised suggestions, the phases of life, and a complete study of your kundali. Which could be delivered online too.

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In conclusion:

Gemini can be flirtatious, but once they settle down to someone, they will remain faithful to them forever; they love to be playful in their romantic relationships. Conversation with Mumbai Astro can be intellectually elevating but when it comes to love, it is the seventh house that decides what they are in totality.  The dynamism is an exceptional trait of Gemini.   Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy marital bliss.

Read your Daily Horoscope with us.

Monday 24 June 2024

Love Horoscope: What the Planets have in store for your Relationship

 Love compatibility is an exceptionally important factor in marriage. It builds emotional connection, and trust between partners. Compatible partners have not much difference of opinions and hence enjoy a successful long-term relationship. Astrologers compare the personality attributes of both partners from their birth charts, and then decide how compatible they are.  Apart from analysing the houses, and placements of planets, the astrologers also analyse the horoscope for aspects, in which trine, sextile, and conjunction are considered as favourable for marital happiness and squares and oppositions indicate problematic marital relationship. Let us see according to our Love horoscopes, what are on the cards for our relationships.

Daily Horoscope: How do they Predict Love Compatibility?

Daily horoscopes provide clues about the situations you have to face, whether good or bad.  It tells you how the day is going to be in the areas of love, money, education and profession and you can take the suggestions from them. You should apply your current situation to the love horoscope prediction and see it they match. Also read up your ascendant sign predictions and then come to a conclusion. The day of Nirjala Ekadashi is especially important because it enhances your prospects of relationship, career and wealth and hence this vrat is immensely popular amongst people. Let us study the emotional personality of all horoscope signs.

All horoscope signs: What is their love personality?

Among all horoscope signs, Aries are very fiery and bold and hence airy. They believe in having an authority over their lover, while Taurus is basically steady and passionate and supports their lover. Gemini is enthusiastic and expressive but loves flirting, daydreaming and fun. Cancer is emotional, caring. compassionate towards their lover Leo is self-assured, loves attention but a generous and loyal lover. Virgo is very practical but an honest and dedicated lover. Libra is balanced, playful as lovers but easily get bored. Scorpio is emotional but they like their lovers to be honest, Sagittarius is free spirited and, hopeful but has a thrilling love life. Capricorn is committed, always nice and never angry with their lovers. Aquarius is free spirited and don’t like to be forced. Pisces are understanding and honest lovers.

Love Compatibility: What are the planetary indications?

There are three factors that rule love compatibility, Sun Signs ascendent, and descendent signs.  Firstly, sun shows what kind of personalities we are, ascendent shows our degree of attraction and descendent, our expectations from our partners. Moon signs can be analysed to see if you are emotionally compatible with your partner.  Rahu and Ketu in 5th, 7th and 11th indicate love marriage.

When Venus and Mars exchange houses, it suggests a passionate and romantic nature. Association between Venus and the Moon shows that the individual’s personality is prone to love. If 5th and 7th lords are connected, it shows a deeply romantic heart, if moon is conjoined with Venus, he gives the individual a craving for love relationships. If 5th and 7th lords conjoin, it shows that romantic nature.. If moon is strong, it makes the individual overly emotional and excessively attached to his partner.

Love Marriage predictions: How can you predict love marriage?

A strong and well-disposed 7th House and Its Lord show a favourable indication for love marriages. When the lord of 9th and that of 7th combine or exchange their houses, it indicates raja yoga which also supports love marriage. If Venus and mars conjoin, or aspect each other, it leads to love marriage. When Jupiter is in a kendra from the moon or the ascendant, it forms Gaj Kesari yoga that denotes love marriage.  When the 7th lord is in svakshetra, uchcha or in mitrakshetra. and aspected/conjoined with a favourable planet, the individual born under this yoga, called Swayamvara Yoga will marry for love.  You should consult with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi astrologer for love marriage predictions

Astro consultation for love marriage issues: What do they offer?

Astro consultations for love marriage issues are held both off line and online. You can reach the astrologers through different channels of communication.  While some astrologers offer counselling through chat, some offer face to face consultations. Some provide online reports and face to face, depending on the need of the person and his case.

In conclusion:

Love Compatibility is decided on multiple factors. Is your worldview the same, are your visions and goals similar, are you comfortable in each other’s company and is there a free flow of conversation between you? You don’t doubt their integrity at any point in time? Is your romance spontaneous?  Do you have similar nature or personalities, same kind of expressions, and desires.  If yes, you are compatible   Some sun signs have this natural compatibility with certain other signs. Mumbai Astro studies all these factors and helps you choose the most compatible partner with whom you can share a harmonious relationship. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, Love horoscopes can predict what is on the cards for our mutual relationship.

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Saturday 22 June 2024

What Is The Importance Of Kundali Milan?

 Arranged marriage is a concept that is unique to India and it has been a much-revered tradition for the Hindu community. Planets impact our personalities, temperament and life occurrences, and hence at every instance we need to follow what the planets say.  Kundali milan or horoscope matching is a practice that must be followed to ensure marital harmony to the couple for the rest of their lives.

Importance Of Kundali Matching And Why You Should Do It?

Indians believe staunchly in the efficacy of the kundali reviewed marriages as it would promise a predictable life and harmonious   coexistence. Kundalis are reviewed to know the personality characteristics, economic status, and lineage which if found compatible, can lead to success of the marriage.

Astrology offers clues from the birth chart that extend beyond our practical wisdom and tells us what challenges we may have to overcome in the future. Kundali matching reduces conflicts and enhances love in relationships.

Not only harmony, rest of the areas of life also need to be assessed for the partners to peacefully coexist. Kundali milan can assess all areas of life that have an influence on the quality of life. A good astrologer can, apart from prediction for marriage, provide post marriage career prediction (ensures a steady stream of income), health prediction before marriage (It can prevent the couple from having kids). See if there is business yoga in kundali (stabilizes the financial aspect of marriage). Get an online report for kundali Milan to just keep the facts on record so that they can come in handy when in doubt. Let us now come to the predictions derived from kundali matching.

Kundli Matching Predictions For Marriage

  • Lord of the lagna and moon, 7th house lord, the position of Venus and Jupiter in the horoscope of the couple are matched to determine compatibility.
  • Second house denotes prosperity and family lineage. If this is affected, then one has to be a little more careful.
  • Fourth or the Sukha sthana represents marital happiness and hence it should not be weak.. Similarly, kuja should be be well placed as he also governs marital bliss.
  • The 7th house also denotes the same and hence it should be devoid of afflictions. The 12th house stands for sexual pleasures and it should not be affected.
  • Navamsha chart is meant to show the aspect of spiritual compatibility, and also if the couple were husband and wife in their previous births.
  • Lagna in both horoscopes should be common. If lagna of one partner is in trikona or kendra position to that of the other, the marriage is going to be a happy one. No other combinations are usually to be encouraged.
  • Trimshamsha detects extramarital flings, widowhood, adultery and sexual compatibility and is a must see for the comprehensive matching of the horoscopes. Kundali matching predictions should always be taken as instructions that must be followed.
  • One must also study the ashtakoota, wherein kootas of the couple are required to match. The kootas are varna, vashya, tara, yoni, rashi, bhakoota, gana, nadi. Out of these, it is a must that the nadi, bhakoot, and gana should match.
  • In the matching process of horoscopes, it is important that yogas, the planets and the stars of the couple also match.
  • Also, It is important to analyse the dosha samya, longevity and dasha sandhi along with the horoscope matching. Also, one should take care of matching of period, sub-period, Graha Dosha Samya and age matching which should be done alongside the Ashtakuta matching.
  • Now why should the kundalis match to make the marriage successful. Let us study it right away.

Astrology Consultation

Why Kundali Matching Is Essential For Marriages?

So, Kundalis are matched to also determine the compatibility, the financial and career scenario of both the partners, fertility, and the possible doshas.  Also, one needs to know if the doshas in kundali are actually removable. So, before you even consider arranging the meeting between the couple, one should get the horoscopes matched.

Online report for kundali milan is a reality check for the couple to see if they have the same wavelength, compatible temperament, and marital luck to live in contentment with each other.

Ashtakuta Matching:

Ashtakuta Matching which is a part of the Kundali matching, provides you clues to the lifespan and degree of stability in the marriage.

Ashtakoota type of Kundli matching fixes a total of 36 points to call it a perfect union. If the horoscope matching scores 36 points, the compatibility is excellent. A total of 18 is good whereas below 18 reduces the degree of marital comfort for both the partners.

In Conclusion:

Human beings are so complicated and it takes some time to understand them. Unfortunately, they have no chance and time to know each other unless they live together in marriage. So, it is the kundali milan which comes to our rescue by helping us understand the partner in depth before the marriage is finally conducted. A thorough study of Kundali can help us avoid marriage life issues later.

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Friday 21 June 2024

What If Matching Score is Low | Kundli Matching

 Sometimes to convince others or themselves, people match the horoscopes online. You get almost similar opinion:

  • A matching score below 18 is not a good match. Leave it.
  • A matching score above 18 is good, and anything beyond 26 or 30 is extremely good. Go ahead.

How to Match Horoscope

Matching horoscope is not just checking the Ashtakoot score or the major Doshas, such as Mangal Dosha, Bhakoot Dosha, or Nadi Dosha. It is checking for compatibility between two people as to how well they will react to each other’s different life decisions.

One way is to start defying/disrespecting findings based on matching scores. Another way is to understand: Can we check two people’s compatibility using online tools? Does this consider the D-9 Navamsa, the main criterion for checking compatibility between two persons? You need a life partner who is with you in all good and challenging times, be it physical, mental, emotional, professional, or family-related matters. Can you put these factors in and get mathematical results? NO.

Just read two examples to understand how the proper matching of horoscopes can change your decision.

Astrology Consultation

Can marriage with less than 18 be a good match – Yes?

Mostly, people say a matching score of below 18 is not good for marriage. But I say a matching score of even 10.5/36 can be a good match. I am fully conscious in giving an example with actual birth details and would welcome any comments/ criticism on this analysis from any expert in the field. Mind you, this is one of the examples.

Example 1.

    Girl – Ms ST 18/06/1997, 07:50 AM, Kanpur, UP

    Boy – Mr. AB 25/08/1997, 14:25 PM, Karad, Maharashtra

  1. Both had known each other for years and wanted to marry.
  2. The Ashtakoot points were 10.5 out of 36 and would have been a clear no.
  3. There were two Major Doshas: Nadi Dosha and Bhakoot Dosha.
  4. The Nakshatra lords of both the girl and boy were Moon and Jupiter, who are friends, resulting in the cancellation of Nadi Dosha.
  5. The boy and girl’s Moon signs were Taurus and Libra ruled by the same planet Venus, which shows an amiable relationship between the lords of the Moon signs of both parties. So, the Bhakoot Dosha also gets cancelled.
  6. The original score of 10.5 increased to 25.5 with the cancellation of Nadi and Bhakoot Dosha.
  7. None is Manglik.
  8. The karakas for marriage, i.e., Jupiter and Venus, were not good in the D-1 chart but strengthened in the Navamsa or the D-9 charts.

The compatibility began negatively but eventually reached a high score of 70% due to the cancellation of Dosha and Karaka matching. But I don’t know how many astrologers could do it.

Example 2 – Very classical horoscope matching – arranged marriage

Girl – Ms XY – 08.02.1997, 8.04 PM, Wellington, TN, India

Boy – Mr AB – 17.03.1997, 03.38 AM, Dwarka, New Delhi.

  1. They are getting 12 points out of 36 in the Ashtakoot matching score, which would have been a NO.
  2. There were two Major Doshas – Nadi Dosha and Bhakoot Dosha.
  3. Boy’s Rashi Gemini, Girl’s Rashi Aquarius. There is a friendship between Gemini and Aquarius. So, Bhakoot Dosha gets cancelled to add seven more points.
  4. For Nadi Dosha, the boy’s Nakshatra is Arda, whereas the girl’s Nakshatra is Shatabhisha.
  5. The Nakshatra Lord for both of them is Rahu. But the Pada for the boy is second, whereas the Pada for the girl is one. So, with different Padas, the Nadi Dosha gets cancelled.
  6. We can add eight more points. And now the score becomes 27 of 36.
  7. The boy is not a Manglik. The girl is a Manglik, with Mangal sitting with Rahu in the second house. But since the boy has three malefic planets, Surya, Ketu, and Saturn, in the third house, it neutralizes the mangal Dosha of the girl. So, the Mangal Dosha also gets cancelled.
  8. The matching score is 27 out of 36, with no Mangal Dosha, no Nadi Dosha or Bhakoot Dosha. What else do you need for a perfect go-ahead?
  9. But what about the compatibility of main Karakas, Venus, Jupiter and Seventh house lords?
  10. In boy’s D-1 (Lagana) chart) Venus is not good sitting in the 2nd house, Jupiter is debilitated, not good and Chandrama is also not good. Why? Because it is sitting in the sixth house.
  11. So, all three parameters, the Karakas for marriage, are not positioned well in the boy’s D-1 chart.
  12. In the girl’s D-1, also Jupiter is debilitated, Venus is sitting in the sixth house, not good, whereas Saturn is sitting in the eighth house, not good.
  13. So, the D-1 of both do not indicate a good alliance.
  14. Now, let us check the Navamsa, the D9-chart.
  15. In the boy’s D-9 Navamsa chart, Jupiter has gained strength. Venus is good, but the seventh house Lord, again, is not good here.
  16. In the girl’s Navamsa, Jupiter and  Venus both are not good and Mars, the seventh house Lord, is okay.

Overall, three factors are not good in the boy’s D-1 chart. The same way, all three factors are not good in the girl’s D-1 chart. So, no one is complementing each other’s charts.

In the D-9, two factors are good in boys’ charts but not the third one. In the girl’s D-9, only one factor is good, and the other two are not.

Final opinion—The Karakas for marriage do not match the desired level, so the overall compatibility is below average, and marriage is not recommended. If this is an arranged marriage, it is surely not recommended. You should rethink and then decide. See how things can change opinion from No to yes, then again, no. I doubt if this is possible online or by a novice. Read more about how to match horoscope. But if you still do not want to match horoscopes, do not follow the path of performing materialistic remedies for a successful marriage without matching horoscopes.

In today’s world, marriages break mostly for reasons ranging from incompatibility to work-related disparities. Don’t worry if the matching score is low because it does not stop you from getting the best life partner.

For any specific issues, connect with Dr Vinay Bajrangi at +91 9999113366

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Wednesday 19 June 2024

Can We Know Life Span From Birth Details

 A person’s birth time is pre-decided based on the past life(s), and so is the departure date from this earth. As humans, we always aspire to live a long life.  Ayushmaan Bhava, or live long, is probably the most common and desired blessing we seek through our elders. But another fact is that we all descend to the recurring life with fixed Ayushya (Age) or life span irrespective of longings or blessings for a long life! Then one wonders why some questions usually stir our minds:

How many years/how long will I live?

What is my expected lifespan?

How can I know my lifespan?

What can I do to live long?

When will I die?

All these questions lead us to a common anxiety: What is a person’s life span/longevity? Can we increase our life span? What do we do to live the expected life span to its fullest?

A person’s birth chart is a blueprint of their whole life and the events they will face during it. So, it applies to a person’s longevity, too. One can know life span from the birth chart using Astrology.

Can Astrology tell person’s life Span/Longevity.

Yes, astrology can indicate a person’s life span/longevity. One can know life span from birth chart/date of birth. As the Karma theory propagates, our lifespan is fixed and one can know life span from birth chart using astrology. The planetary combinations in the birth chart indicate everything about our life, including longevity/lifespan. With their expertise, experience and knowledge, astrologers can give you a fair idea of your life span.  

How can I know my Lifespan

You can know your life span/longevity from horoscope. The horoscope contains astrological yoga that narrates short, medium, and extended longevity to a person. The astrologer may predict the life expectancy from a person’s date of birth. However, classical texts warn against revealing a person’s longevity with exact date or year; it is unethical. Even in the rarest of the rare situations, a good astrologer should not spell the exact date/time of a person’s life on this earth. Knowing the date of final departure is different than knowing the lifespan from the birth chart. Why should any astrologer spell it out, and how can an astrologer regulate a person’s deeds to reach that date? 

Can we Increase our Life Span.

You cannot increase the life span allotted to you by the almighty. Astrology can help you know the life span but cannot alter it. Still, it is sensible to know lifespan/longevity from your birth details why: Because by knowing your life span:

  • You cannot alter your life span, but you surely can thrive and live it to its fullest
  • You can change your lifestyle or practices and live an improved life.
  • Life is uncertain every day, but knowing age and longevity, one can get confidence and avoid deterrence due to small incidents/health issues.
  • It helps a person plan many things at different ages rather than trying to build everything in a short span.
  • One can prepare to plan life events accordingly and take some precautions. 
  • Another important aspect is that by knowing longevity/lifespan, one can know if any specific diseases/severe health issues would come and, if yes, at what stage of life.

Knowing about life expectancy answers many important questions about life. Then comes the point, how to know the life expectancy and which house is seen for life span?  

Which House is Seen for Life Span/Life Expectancy  

Which house is seen to check life span: It is primarily the 8 house. But in addition to the 8th house seen for life span, we have to check Ascendant and Moon sign Lords. Are these Lords placed in movable, dual, or fixed signs?  What is the position of malefic and benefic planets? The planet Saturn is the primary karaka of Ayushya or longevity in astrology. Saturn is a mysterious planet that imbibes much engaging information about the quality and span of someone’s life.

Death means the transformation of the soul. It departs the current body to acquire a new one. The eighth house in the horoscope is the house of transformation and longevity. It is a mysterious house where everything happens unexpectedly and abruptly. The 8th house in the horoscope determines the longevity of an individual. Auspicious effects in the eighth house give good longevity, while malefic planets cause a threat to longevity. Saturn, as a karaka of the 8th house, if present in the 8th house, gives extended longevity to the native.

A native will likely have a long life if the ascendant, ascendant Lord, 8th house, and its Lord are placed well in the birth chart.

The longevity span can be understood as follows:

  • Long- 72 and above
  • Medium- 35- 72 years
  • Short- below 35 years

A person with a combination of Poorna Ayu may live more than 90 years.  Ayu yoga and running Dasha determine one’s maximum age.  

Combinations to See Person’s Life Span

In astrology, there are specific planetary combinations to see a person’s life span. Ascendant Lord and the Lord of the Moon sign, if both are present in a moveable sign or if one is in a fixed sign while the other is in a dual sign, then it’s a yoga for Deergha or Poorna ayu (long life span).

If the ascendant Lord and the Moon sign lord are in dual sign or if one gets placed in a moveable sign while the other is in a fixed sign, then it’s yoga for Madhya ayu (medium life span).

If the ascendant Lord and the Lord of the Moon sign are fixed or moveable signs while the other is placed in a dual sign, then it is yoga for Laghu ayu (short life span). I would not like to explain much about combinations to be seen for life span of a person as a common man is quite likely to reach wrong calculations. Many houses, planets, their Lordship and their intrinsic relationships need very precise calculations which even most of the astrologers may be lacking. They will just tell you the departure date.

A very important caution: Still whenever you consult any astrologer to check your life span, please request the astrologer to do all such analyses from the Navamsa ( D-9) chart and not only the Ascendant/Lagana chart. 

 Once you know your life span, one should know what could be the health issues, specific diseases and at what age. The most important aspect of life span reading is to know what and when you can face health issues. Take care of the same and live the life span to its fullest as allotted by the almighty.  

Yoga for bad health doesn’t cause health issues throughout life. The dasha of the planets gives medical problems at specific periods. Once a person’s longevity is estimated, an astrologer must see what period the yoga can activate. For this, the dasha period of the Maraka planets, the eighth lord and the eighth lord from the Moon, is essential. The badhaka planets also play their roles and don’t let accurate medical help reach or benefit the natives.   

If Saturn joins the Maraka planets and the eighth lord, it may inflict death-like effects on the natives. The transit of planets is also essential. If a native gets the Saturn Transit in a house with very few ashtakvarga points under the Maraka dasha, his longevity is seriously threatened.

Predicting longevity is a serious thing and should be predicted by an experienced astrologer holding empathy and spiritual values. For technical narration and combinations seen for life span, one can read how to know a person’s life span.

It is a better decision when you are all fine to check your life span, mould your lifestyle to live to the fullest, and know if you can have any health issues/specific diseases. For this one can read; can we know health issues from birth chart.

You cannot change the life span, but you can get an idea of how long a person lives, how to plan your life events at the different ages within that life span and what precautions one can take to live the allotted life span to the fullest.

One must read how deep astrology can go by reading on full life reading from date of birth. Connect with my office for any specific issues on +91 9999113366

Read more about: Career Astrology | Solution Married Life Problems | Sexual Health Prediction

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Tuesday 18 June 2024

Can We See Medical or Health Issues From Birth Chart

 Health and health-related issues primarily relate to Medical Science. The only difference is medical science and medical treatment generally come into the picture once a person starts developing health issues. People off late have started taking more precautions by going in for periodic medical check-ups and taking insurance coverage, etc. But do you know that you can get a fairly good idea about expected health issues from your birth chart also?

The position of various planets in the sky and in your birth chart can give valuable hints about your health / health issues. Astrology has marked its presence in the of medical field for a very long period of time. Medical Astrology may precisely identify the possible occurrence of diseases and also the remedies for a person.

Health Issues seen using Astrology

Can astrology help in finding health issues? Yes. Health Astrology reads about various body parts, human physiology, and illnesses associated with the 12 astrological zodiac signs and the nine planets. After analyzing your horoscope, an astrologer may make out what type of diseases you are vulnerable to and which planet is responsible for your health conditions.

A good astrologer may predict important details about your health after a health kundli analysis. Let’s understand the association between your astrological sign and likely diseases.

Aries: People with this zodiac sign are likely to have head, brain, and face diseases. There is a possibility of baldness, physical and mental stress, which may lead to headaches, migraines, and strokes.

Taurus: People with this zodiac sign are likely to have diseases related to the neck, ears and throat. There is a possibility of cold and cough, sore throats, and problems in the ears.

Gemini: People with this zodiac sign can have problems with their lungs, shoulders, arms, hands. They will also be prone to fever, cold, and cough. Anxiety, insomnia, and issues related to nerves are also common in this sign.

Cancer: People with this zodiac sign have problems related to chest, breast, and stomach. Mental issues like depression and emotional imbalance is also common. Cancerians have a liking for food and often turn obese.

Leo: People with this zodiac sign face problems related to the heart, back and spine. Blood-related diseases are common for Leos. High blood pressure, blocked arteries, and irregular heartbeat are common for this zodiac sign.

Virgo: People with this zodiac sign have to face health issues related to the abdomen and intestines. Virgos often have to face challenges related to their weight. They are either over or underweight. Stomach problems like ulcers, acidity, and constipation are common for their zodiac sign.

Libra: The natives may have problems in the kidneys, adrenal glands, and skin. They may face indigestion and constipation. The diseases of bladder, rectum, genitals, ovaries, and testes trouble them a lot.

Scorpio: Scorpios are likely to have sexual diseases or diseases in their private parts.

Sagittarius: People with this zodiac sign may have health issues related to their hips, thighs, and vision. Impaired vision may lead to accidents.

Capricorn: People with this zodiac sign may have health issues related to bones, knees, teeth, skin, and joints. Capricorn folks may also suffer from fragile bones.

Aquarius: People with this zodiac sign are likely to have problems with lower legs and anklesThey are prone to weak ankles, and have a higher chance of suffering from varicose veins.

Pisces: Pisceans often suffer from a weak immunity. They are likely to have corns, bunions, and athlete’s foot.

The above description indicates that each zodiac sign is prone to diseases as per their lordship of houses in the horoscope or the kalpurush kundliSo a simple advice to natives of each Zodiac sign is to take extra care of the expected diseases from birth chart and the organs prone more to diseases.

Which House is seen for Health?

In astrology, the 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are responsible for causing diseasees. Out of these, the 6th house is the major house of diseases. Any affliction to the 6th house demonstrates a planetary combination for diseases. A person will suffer from specific diseases issues if the occupant in any of these houses is weak or debilitated. The 6th house shows diseases, 8th house is the house of surgery, and 12th house shows hospitalization.

Which Planet is seen for Health?

Planets seen for health are the Moon, Sun, and the ascendant of a person. If these three are strong, then one is likely to enjoy good health and vice versa. The Sun signifies immunity in a person, so if a person has an afflicted or weak sun, the he or she is likely to have a weak immune system and fall ill often. Similarly, the Moon represents your mental and emotional health. A strong moon helps a person overcome several obstacles in life with much ease. This helps a person enjoy sound health. The ascendant is your personality, and if the ascendant or ascendant lord is under malefic presence, then a person can’t enjoy a healthy life. Malefic influence of the planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu to the Sun, Moon, or the ascendant causes major health problems to a person. It is pertinent to check the position of the 6th house and its lord to detect any medical issues present in a kundli.

Health issues sometimes can be beyond repair or involve exorbitant expenses, both have far reaching impact. Learn more on How to Predict Diseases from Horoscope. It can be logical to get your health horoscope checked well in time. It can cost you some money but you will still stand to gain from it immensely.

Read more about: Lifespan Prediction | Sexual Health Prediction


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Ganga Dussehra 2024 Shubh Muhurat

 गंगा दशहरा ज्येष्ठ माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की दशमी तिथि के दिन आने वाला विशेष पर्व है. यह त्यौहार संपूर्ण भारत वर्ष में मनाया जाता है. देवी गंगा के अवतरण से संबंधित यह दिन भक्तों के लिए जीवन की बाधाओं को दूर करने वाला समय होता है. शास्त्रों के अनुसार इस दिन किया जाने वाला माँ गंगा का पूजन व्यक्ति कर्मों को सुधारने का भी विशिष्ट समय होता है. अत: इस दिन कर्म सुधार के नियमों को अपनाते हुए जीवन को कष्टों से मुक्त कर पाने में सहायता मिलती है.

कैसे होता गंगा दशहरा में कर्म सुधार उपाय

” गंगां वारि मनोहारि मुरारिचरणच्युतं ।
त्रिपुरारिशिरश्चारि पापहारि पुनातु मां ।। ”

गंगा की उत्पत्ति की गाथा ही कर्म एवं पूर्व में किए गए कर्मों के सुधार की रही है. गंगा दशहरा देवी गंगा के पृथ्वी पर आगमन की विशेष घटना है. जिसका वर्णन “हरिवंश पुराण”, “विष्णु पुराण”, भागवत, “ब्रह्मवैवर्त पुराण” “रामायण” इत्यादि ग्रंथों में प्राप्त होता है.

गंगा के पृथ्वी में आगमन की कथा अनुसार इक्ष्वाकु वंश में जन्मे भगीरथ द्वारा ही वह पृथ्वी लोक में आती हैं.  सम्राट दिलीप के पुत्र राजा भगीरथ ने अपने पितरों के कर्मों की शुद्धि एवं मुक्ति के लिए ही कठोर तप किया और देवी गंगा को प्राप्त किया. कुछ कथाओं के अनुसार राजा भगीरथ को जब अपने पूर्वजों के श्राप का बोध होता है जो कपिल मुनि के शाप से भस्म हुए थे जो राजा सगर के 60 हजार पुत्र थे. राजा सगर के पुत्रों ने कपिल मुनि का अपमान किया जिसके चलते उन्हें अपने कर्मों के फल अनुसार मृत्यु प्राप्त होती है और ऎसे मृत्यु जो मुक्ति नहीं देती अत: जिसके चलते पितृ दोष एवं कर्म अशुद्धि का दोष आने वाले लोगों को प्राप्त होता है.

गंगा दशहरा का शुभ मुहूर्त

पूजा शुभ मुहूर्त– सुबह 7:08 मिनट-सुबह 10:37 मिनट तक

दशमी तिथि प्रारम्भ – जून 16, 2024 को 02:32 am

दशमी तिथि समाप्त – जून 17, 2024 को 04:43 am

हस्त नक्षत्र प्रारम्भ – जून 15, 2024 को 08:14 am

हस्त नक्षत्र समाप्त – जून 16, 2024 को 11:13 am

व्यतीपात योग प्रारम्भ – जून 14, 2024 को 07:08 pm

व्यतीपात योग समाप्त – जून 15, 2024 को 08:11 pm

जानिए आज का त्योहार तारीख, समय के साथ।

गंगा दशहरा पूर्वजों के कर्मों की शुद्धि एवं कुल वृद्धि का समय

भगीरथ अपने कुल के कर्मों के उद्धार के लिए अपने पूर्वजों को श्राप से मुक्ति दिलाने हेतु कठोर साधना की. देवी गंगा को पृथ्वी पर लाने हेतु वह ब्रह्मा जी का पूजन करते हैं. ब्रह्मा जी भगीरथ की तपस्या से प्रसन्न होकर उन्हें वरदान मांगने को कहते हैं

तब भागीरथ जी अपने पूर्वजों की मुक्ति उनके कर्मों की शुद्धि व संतान की प्राप्ति का वरदान मांगते हैं. तब ब्रह्मा जी उन्हें वरदान स्वरुप गंगा प्रदान करते हैं किंतु गंगा का वेग इतना प्रबल होता है की उसे कोई संभाल नहीं पाता है तब भागीरथ भगवान शिव की उपासना करते हैं और भगवान उनकी तपस्या से प्रसन्न होकर गंगा को अपनी जटाओं में स्थान देकर उन्हें पृथ्वी की ओर प्रवाहित करते हैं. इस तरह देवी गंगा पृथ्वी पर आकर भगीरथ के कुल का उद्धार करती हैं. देवी का आगम न केवल उनके उद्धार हेतु हुआ अपितु समस्त पृथ्वी का उद्धार भी संभव हो पाया. इसलिए गंगा दशहरा के समय किया जाने वाला गंगा पूजन व्यक्ति के कर्मों का सुधार करने का विशेष दिन बन जाता है.

पूर्व जन्म के कर्मों का ज्योतिषीय अध्ययन और विश्लेषण

गंगा दशहरा के दिन दस पाप होते हैं क्षय

वाराह पुराण के कथन अनुसार   ” हरते दशपापानि तस्माद्दशहरा समृता ।।”
गंगा दशहरा के संदर्भ में पुराणों की उक्ति का एक उल्लेख यह बताता है की दशहरा/Dussehra के दिन व्यक्ति दश पापों को हरने वाली है. अत: इस दिन व्यक्ति के कर्म में हुए जाने अनजाने कार्यों से उत्पन्न पाओं का हरण भी इस दिन संभव होता है.

एक अन्य कथन के अनुसार यदि ज्येष्ठ माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की दशमी तिथि हो, हस्त नक्षत्र का समय हो तब यह समय उत्तम योगों का माना गया है. माना गया है की हस्त नक्षत्र की उपस्थिति में ही गंगा माता पृथ्वी की ओर उन्मुख हुई थी और माँ गंगा का अवतरण इस शुभ नक्षत्र समय हुआ. इसी कारण इन शुभ योगों के संयोग की प्राप्ति होने पर भी यह दिन व्यक्ति के समस्त बुरे प्रभावों को समाप्त कर देने में सहायक होता है.

Source :-

जीवन में व्यक्ति अनेक प्रकार के कार्यों को करते हैं और कई बार ऐसे कार्य भी कर बैठता है जो उससे अंजाने में हो जाते हैं. विष्णु पुराण के अनुसार हमारे कर्म भी कई तरह से संभव होते हैं मनसा वचना और कर्मा, इसमें से 4 वाचिक कर्म हैं 3 कायिक कर्म एवं 3 मानसिक कर्म भी हैं अत: इन सभी के द्वारा यदि कोई कार्य गलत होता है तो उन सभी पापों का शमन गंगा दशहरा के पूजन एवं अनुष्ठान द्वारा संभव होता है.

गंगा दशहरा से दूर होती हैं काम काज या अन्य प्रकार की समस्त बाधाएं

गंगा दशहरा वह शुभ दिन है जो व्यक्ति के जीवन की बाधाओं को समाप्त करता है. यह कारोबार में तरक्की पाने का समय होता है, यह आपके जीवन में आ रही हर प्रकार की कानूनी बाधा को भी दूर करने वाला समय होता है. किसी प्रकार की गलत आदत हो या व्यक्ति किसी प्रकार के नशे या लत से पीड़ित हो तो इस दौरान किया गया अनुष्ठान एवं पूजन व्यक्ति के इन सभी दुष्प्रभावों को मुक्त करने में सहायक बनता है. यह बिलकुल वैसे ही सहायक होता है जैसे गंगा का भागीरथी और  जाह्नवी बनकर बहना पृथ्वी क्योंकि जिसने जैसा प्रयास किया गंगा उस रूप में प्रवाहित और प्रचलित हुईं इसलिए गंगा दशहरा का समय हर प्रकार के कष्ट से मुक्ति का विशेष शुभ समय बन जाता है.

“  नमो गंगायै विश्वरुपिणी नारायणी नमो नम:।।

पढ़ें अपना दैनिक राशिफल हमारे साथ।

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